Orr Databases

These are the databases that I have and will search for you on request. Please provide as much information as you can to help narrow down the search. Spouse and sibling details are helpful because of the naming customs adopted by very many Presbyterian families eg the use of the wife`s maiden surname and the grandmother`s as the second christian name of a child.  Please remember that our ancestors traditionally used a small number of christian names, usually Robert, Samuel, Charles, James, John, Elizabeth, Mary etc . I have over 400 `William` Orrs for example and one file that runs through 10 generations of William so please try and help yourself by giving approx dates, and locations where possible.

All enquiries received or downloaded from Rootsweb Lists, web sites etc are cross referenced so that if a later match occurs I can get back to the interested party.

Database description

@ 28 July 2011

1812 - 1814 War USA & Great Britain

129 Orrs

1881 Census of Ayrshire, Scotland

808 Orrs


2680 Orrs

Australian phone list 1997

1702 Orrs on the telephone


4606 Orrs

Canada phone list 1997

1638 Orrs in the phonebook

Canadian Expeditionary Force, WWI 236 Orrs
Canada - Ontario Census 1871 225 Orrs
Carribeab 304

Commonwealth War Graves (Seamen) Commission                                    

542 Orrs

Coloured Troops - Union Regiments 24 Orrs
Covenanters (all names)                                    8334
Daughters of Amer. Revn, 236 Orr links
Dominion Land sales 199

England & Wales

1562 Orrs

Electoral Rolls E,S,W

9710 Orrs. All 18 & over in 1997.

Genserve Database extracts

5084 Orrs

Korea 9 KIA

Land Records -  Eastern USA

508 Orrs


1177 relations inc. Orr Lochwinnoch

New Zealand

123 Orrs

New Zealand phone list 1997

649 Orrs on the telephone


712 Orrs from the Obituary web site

Places  with  Orr  name 274
Renfrewshire Census 1851 644 Orrs


15467 Orrs in Scotland

Scottish phone list 1997

4876 Orrs on the telephone.

Strays - Cyprus, SA etc 64  Orrs
Service of Heirs 179 Orrs in Scottish Wills

Texas Marriages 1873 - 1920

4968 - all, includes some Orrs.

Tyrone 539 Orrs
Ulster ( the Province ) 6169 Orrs

Ulster Pedigree

2886 Orrs descendants of James Orr 1607


29873 Orrs


1161 Ore, Orre, Or and other variant spellings

Vietnam 524 Orrs served; 14 KIA

WW I ( Commonwealth countries, not USA)

257 Orrs in World War I

WW II (Commonwealth countries,not USA )

143 Orrs in WW II

William Orr 1797

242 Orrs claimed to stem from Wm Orr of Farranshane,

Updated :28/07/2011                                        


Orr Name Study Ulster Scots Reference material